Take your career to the next level with the Hand in Hand - Endodontic Advanced International Master

The combination of exclusivity, highly personalized guidance, innovative techniques and technological equipment available, make this International Master the missing piece you need to

boost your career to the next level.

Take your career to the next level with the Hand in Hand - Endodontic Advanced International Master

The combination of exclusivity, highly personalized guidance and innovative techniques and technological equipment available, make this International Master the missing piece you need to boost your career to the next level.

+100.000 students

40 years of experience

+100 courses

National and international teaching staff

+100.000 students

40 years of experience

+100 courses

National and international teaching staff

What makes our International Master different


The limited number of vacancies implies a careful selection of students who will have access to the exclusive topics covered. This dynamic ensures the differentiation and transformation of the professional career of the dentists who attend.

Personalized guidance

Proximity to excellent professionals makes the path more objective and fruitful. For this reason, in the Hand in Hand, a dedicated instructor is assigned to accompany every two students.

Practical aspect

The value of knowledge lies primarily in its implementation, and therefore, this International Master includes a lot of moments of clinical practice.

Solving complex cases

Excellent professionals must be ready for any circumstance, which is why all Hand in Hand explore the resolution of clinical cases, from the simplest to the most complex.


By learning and applying unique techniques, as well as using state-of-the-art equipment, our students are one step ahead in the market.


The teaching staff selected for this International Master is made up of experienced national and international professionals, who make this training even more enriching.

What makes our International Master different


The limited number of vacancies implies a careful selection of students who will have access to the exclusive topics covered. This dynamic ensures the differentiation and transformation of the professional career of the dentists who attend.

Personalized guidance

Proximity to excellent professionals makes the path more objective and fruitful. For this reason, in the Hand in Hand, a dedicated instructor is assigned to accompany every two students.

Practical aspect

The value of knowledge lies primarily in its implementation, and therefore, this International Master includes a lot of moments of clinical practice.

Solving complex cases

Excellent professionals must be ready for any circumstance, which is why all Hand in Hand explore the resolution of clinical cases, from the simplest to the most complex.


By learning and applying unique techniques, as well as using state-of-the-art equipment, our students are one step ahead in the market.


The teaching staff selected for this International Master is made up of experienced national and international professionals, who make this training even more enriching.

The modules


This course explores the fascinating world of microscopy and its specific applications in endodontics. It also covers the fundamental principles of CBCT, including its clinical application in endodontics, appropriate imaging protocols, and correct interpretation of the obtained results

Contact hours: 24 hours

Vacancies: 6


The advanced course in the Separate Instruments Approach aims to equip students with the skills needed for the diagnosis, planning, and execution of various techniques, enabling them to solve cases ranging from the simplest to the most complex ones.

Contact hours: 24 hours

Vacancies: 6


During the course, participants will learn specific endodontic techniques used in the treatment of different types of dental resorptions, including root canal preparation, proper obturation, and use of filling materials.

Contact hours: 24 hours

Vacancies: 6


After completing the advanced course on the Approach to Calcified Canals, students are capable of diagnosing, planning, and executing various techniques necessary to address different degrees of canal calcification.

Contact hours: 24 hours

Vacancies: 6


In this course, techniques for preserving the dental pulp in cases of reversible or irreversible lesions will be explored, as well as regenerative endodontic procedures aimed at maintaining tooth vitality and promoting tissue regeneration.

Contact hours: 16 hours

Vacancies: 6


The advanced course of Endodontic Microsurgery covers the principles of healing, indications and contraindications, surgical planning, and suturing techniques. Participants will be proficient in performing surgical procedures using best practices and available materials.

Contact hours: 32 hours

Vacancies: 6

What you will find in our brochure

  • Teaching methodology

  • Curriculum Structure

  • Credit Units

  • Workload

  • Target audience

  • Selection criteria

  • Number of available vacancies

  • Tuition fees

  • Teaching staff

What you will find in our brochure

  • Teaching methodology

  • Curriculum Structure

  • Credit Units

  • Workload

  • Target audience

  • Selection criteria

  • Number of available vacancies

  • Tuition fees

  • Teaching staff

CESPU awaits for you!

We are a renowned institution in the field of dentistry in Portugal, with a mission of spreading knowledge and promote solid and consistent education among our students.

Through the certification and accreditation of all our courses, and our experience of over 40 years, we ensure the quality, differentiation, enhancement of our students' training in the job market.

CESPU's excellence is due to aspects such as rigor, a focus on the practical approach, the use of the latest technological advances and an experienced and multidisciplinary international teaching staff.


Who is the International Master Hand in Hand for?

The International Master Hand in Hand is an advanced course in the field of endodontics for dentists with clinical experience who seek specialized and personalized training for the diagnosis and solving of complex endodontic cases.

Can I pay for the course in installments?

Yes, you can pay for the course in 3 equal installments.

What are the candidate selection criteria?

Student selection is based on academic curriculum analysis, interviews, and the order of registration.

Where will the International Master take place?

It will take place at the Gandra University Campus, in Paredes.

Aquilo que nos distingue




Acreditamos na importância da aprendizagem prática para a formação de profissionais competentes e confiantes. Os nossos cursos oferecem experiências clínicas e laboratoriais, o que permite que os alunos apliquem o conhecimento teórico em situações reais.


Corpo docente especializado

Um corpo docente altamente qualificado e especializado, composto por profissionais experientes nas várias áreas da saúde. A experiência prática dos nossos professores garante que os nossos alunos recebem formação alinhada com as melhores práticas da área.


Abordagem interativa e colaborativa

Os nossos cursos promovem uma abordagem interativa e colaborativa de ensino. Os nossos alunos são incentivados a participar ativamente nas aulas, trabalhar em equipa e partilhar as suas experiências, estimulando a troca de ideias e a aprendizagem mútua.


Rede de parceiros e oportunidades

A CESPU mantém uma ampla rede de parcerias gerais, protocolos académicos e protocolos de estágios com instituições de saúde, hospitais e clínicas, proporcionando aos alunos oportunidades de estágios e práticas em ambientes reais de trabalho.

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